It has been banned

You won't see me again on Facebook
It has been banned. Since end of June 2019

I only had one account. 
And it was real account.
I joint to Facebook on April 2009.
Woww, it is more than 10 years. Amazing !!.

If someone claimed to be me or pretends to be me or using my profile, my picture etc.,
I guarantee it is NOT ME
It is easy to create a new one
But I have not decided yet to do that.

If I am not mistaken, I have only 300 friends more or less in FB. Not much.
but most of them (more than 90 percent) are really my friends. I know them well.
And the rests are followers.
Some of them are also followers on IG. :)

I had two Fanpages
First : Abbhie.
it only has 110 followes more or less.
All posts in FP Abbhie was my original writing.

The second one is, I used the name of Owner of Pondok Pesantren in the Middle of Java.
The Famous one. Sorry, I do not mention the name.
But honestly, I created it for him and he knew it.
I made him as an admin, but he refused caused he was not familiar with Fanpage, and he was also not have much time to manage the Fanpage.
In a few months, this Fanpage has more than 50K followers.
And always has new followers everyday.
All posts in this Fanpage is copied from his account.

Both Fanpages are about da'wah.

Facebook allowed me to download memories.
But not for both Fanpages.

I am not sad at all losing my account on FB.
I am just curious why they did it to me.
Political issues made them not fair to take action.



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